Seminar for a group of Central European and Israeli Doctorate students

Seminar for a group of Central European and Israeli Doctorate students
Středa 24. říjen 2018, 0:00

Centre for International Cooperation in the framework of Theodor Herzl Distinguished Chair at Masaryk University organizes a seminar for a group of five Central European and five Israeli Doctorate students in Brno from February 17th – 20th, 2019.

All expenses including travel from the home institution, accommodation, meals, rich cultural program etc. are paid by the organizers.

The main theme of the seminar is the theme 100 years of national states in Central Europe and 70 years of State of Israel. However the legacy of Tomas Masaryk and Theodor Herzl, i.e. creation of a nation, nationalism, state building, leadership, national identities, but also the links that develop and connect the legacies with the issues today - growth of radicalism, extremism, national and ethnic haters, global and local conflicts, as well as ideas of humanism, human rights and democracy – can be addressed. Direct references to the great personalities of Masaryk and Herzl do not have to be included in the proposal, nor in the actual paper.

Above all, the seminar aims to attract intelligent and open Ph.D. candidates with interest beyond their own respective fields, who want to share their research findings with the like-minded peers from the Central Europe and Israel.

Application requirements are:

  • The following nationalities are eligible: Israel, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Germany, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia
  • Enrolment at one of universities in the country listed above
  • Other required documents to the application:
    • A letter of support (reference) sent directly by the person who recommends the applicant (not by the applicant himself/herself)
    • Curriculum vitae
    • Short paper on the presented research

The application deadline is December 10th, 2018. The application and further information are available on Masaryk University’s website on Herzl Chair Ph.D. seminar.

Program from seminars hosted in past years (this year will have a similar format) is available here: Program 2015, Program 2016 and Program 2017.

Contact details: Hoa Nguyenová, , +420 775 853 057


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