The Language Centre (CJV) goes West…

Friday 24 November 2023, 9:05 – Text: Oldřich Břenek

As a part of the Language Centre’s work with international staff mobility, Markus Öbrink, one of the teachers at CJV FF, visited the State University of New York (SUNY) in the USA in the end of October this year. He was invited by dr. Mette Christiansen and dr. Janice Andersen to the campus in New Paltz in order to meet staff and students and teach intercultural skills.

SUNY New Paltz is a campus 145 kilometres north of Manhattan along river Hudson. The small town surrounded by deep forests attracts students all over the USA with it’s mix of traditional student life and proximity to New York City. The courses of intercultural skills mr. Öbrink taught are organised by the Department of Communication and is a part of the Major in Communication Studies, a study field that prepares students for work within teaching, communication and business.

Intercultural skills has been a part of the offer at CJV for many years, mainly if the form of the Intercultural Communication courses offered in several language in intensive form every semester. Mainly working as preparation for UPOL students going abroad, it is now also clear that the skills and competence created at CJV also works in an international environment. The hope is also that this will be the first step in further cooperation with SUNY.


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