Zítřejší přednášky na katedře historie - Professor Dr. Ranke Perić Romić a Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dalibor Savić

Úterý 18. duben 2023, 13:12

Přednášky na katedře historie

Středa 19. 4. od 15:00, katedra historie FF UP, učebna 3.04


The lecture of Professor Dr. Ranke Perić Romić is titled "Characteristics of post-socialist transformation of cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina: the case of Banja Luka". The lecture focuses on the analysis of political, economic, and broader social changes that have occurred in Banja Luka from the collapse of socialist Yugoslavia to the present day. In this context, special attention will be given to topics such as the decline of the industrial sector, conversion of built space, socio-spatial redistribution of the population, space and quality of housing, (un)legal privatization of urban land, transformation of public spaces into private spaces of consumption, rehabilitation and reconstruction of urban centers, commercial construction, etc. Professor Romić will also present these and similar topics from a comparative perspective, emphasizing the similarities and differences between the post-socialist transformation of cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and cities in other post-socialist countries.


The lecture by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dalibor Savić titled "Voices of Ex-Child Soldiers from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Between Public and Private Narratives" is based on a discursive analysis of twelve life stories of ex-child soldiers, as well as on a discursive analysis of public speeches given by politicians, public announcements made by non-governmental organizations, documentaries, and newspaper articles relating to members of the mentioned population. From this perspective, Prof. Savić will attempt to point out the similarities and differences between auto/biographical narratives of ex-child combatants and dominant public narratives about the members of this population in Bosnian society. In addition, the lecture will also present the lives of ex-child soldiers before, during, and after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.




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