Scholarships for Ukrainian students and jobs for Ukrainian researchers

Pondělí 25. duben 2022, 10:23


Website for Ukrainian students and teachers


In cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic and universities, we have prepared a website aimed at supporting students and researchers from Ukraine.


Scholarship offers and other assistance to university students are avilable on this website Study in the Czech Republic .


The website is dedicated to researchers, where they will find information on the possibilities of involvement in the work of Czech research institutes, together with links to websites with offers of specific positions.

Find out more about scholarships for Ukrainian students and jobs for Ukrainian researchers, scientists and academics in the Czech Republic.

Чеські університети реагують на ситуацію в Україні та пропонують різні форми допомоги українським студентамнауковцям та вченим, які опинилися у складній ситуації та потребують підтримки.  

Czech universities respond to the situation in Ukraine and offer various forms of assistance activities to Ukrainian studentsacademics and scientists who are in difficult situation and need support. If you are an international student who studied in Ukraine, you must apply for transfer or admission to the Czech university using the standard procedure

Контакти / Contact:


Dům zahraniční spolupráce

Na Poříčí 1035/4   |   110 00 Praha 1   | 




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